We Got Married in Israel Do We Need to Marry Again in the Us

Legal condition of marriages and divorces in the state of Israel

Helpmate and groom praying at the Western Wall before their wedding

A ketubah, the Jewish marriage contract

Spousal relationship in Israel tin can be performed only under the auspices of the religious community to which couples vest, and no inter-faith marriages performed from within the country are legally recognized.[1] Matrimonial law is based on the millet or confessional community arrangement employed in the Ottoman Empire, which was not modified during the British Mandate and remains in force in the Land of Israel.[2]

In improver to the corresponding faiths of Jewish, Muslim, and Druze communities in Israel, State of israel recognizes ten distinct denominations of Christianity.[3] Marriages in each community are under the jurisdiction of their ain religious authorities.[ii] The religious authority for Jewish marriages performed in Israel is the Chief Rabbinate of State of israel and the Rabbinical courts. The Israeli Interior Ministry registers marriages on presentation of proper documentation. Israel'due south religious authorities — the only entities authorized to perform weddings in Israel — are prohibited from marrying couples unless both partners share the aforementioned organized religion. Therefore, interfaith couples can be legally married in Israel just if one of the partners converts to the religion of the other. However, civil, interfaith, and aforementioned-sex marriages entered into abroad are recognized by the state.[iv]

Under the Citizenship and Entry into State of israel Constabulary, the correct of a spouse of an Israeli citizen to automatic Israeli citizenship is dependent on the country or territory of the spouse; it is non automatic for W Banking concern residents or citizens of certain Muslim-majority countries.

Over fifty percent of Israelis ally earlier age 25, with marriage rates much higher among Orthodox Jews and Muslims than amongst secular Jews, according to statistics released on 18 June 2019 by the Central Bureau of Statistics.[5] [6]

History [edit]

Under the Ottoman Empire, all matters of a religious nature and personal condition, which included marriage, were within the jurisdiction of Muslim courts and the courts of other recognized religions, chosen confessional communities, under a arrangement known as millet. Capitulation Treaties likewise permitted the registration of marriages and divorces in the British, German, American, and other consulates during the Ottoman period. Jewish religious matters were handled by the Hakham Bashi and the Jewish courts.

Commodity xiv of the British Mandate of Palestine required the mandatory administration to institute a commission to study, define, and decide the rights and claims relating to the different religious communities in Palestine. Commodity fifteen required the mandatory administration to come across to it that complete freedom of conscience and the free do of all forms of worship were permitted. Those mandates were never enforced or put into outcome. The High Commissioner established the Orthodox Rabbinate, and retained a modified millet arrangement that recognized 11 religious communities: Sunni Islam, Orthodox Judaism, and nine Christian denominations. All those who were not members of these recognised communities were excluded from the millet arrangement, and "marriages" conducted in Palestine outside these communities were not recognised. Consular marriages remained customary during the British Mandate and ceremonious divorces granted in other countries were registered and recognized by the mandatory assistants. Provision was made for the registration of marriages, but not for the manner in which marriages would be conducted.


In 1947, David Ben-Gurion and the religious parties reached an agreement that included an understanding that matters of personal status in Israel, which included marriage, would continue to be adamant by religious authorities. This organization has been termed the condition quo agreement and has been maintained, despite numerous changes of government since. Under the arrangement, the Mandate period confessional system would continue, with membership in the Jewish community being on the footing of membership of a body chosen "Knesset Israel", which was a voluntary organization that managed registrations of people who were related to it — that is, those recognised every bit Jews. There does not seem to accept been any dispute at the fourth dimension of who was a Jew. However, in 1953 rabbinical courts were established under the jurisdiction of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel with jurisdiction over union and divorce for all Jews in Israel. The rabbinate's standards and interpretations in these matters are generally used by the Israeli Interior Ministry building in registering marriages and divorces.[ citation needed ]

A sip of vino under the wedding canopy

Halakhic restrictions on union are applied in State of israel. So, for example, a kohen may not marry a convert to Judaism. Similarly, children of adulterous and incestuous unions are restricted as to whom they tin can ally.[ citation needed ] Orthodox halachic rules apply to converts who want to ally in Israel. Under these rules, a conversion to Judaism must strictly follow halachic standards to be recognised every bit valid. Not-Orthodox conversions are not recognized, as are some Orthodox conversions that do not meet the requirements of the Chief Rabbinate. For example, a man who converted to Orthodox Judaism in the United States was denied an official marriage in State of israel considering the Orthodox rabbi who converted him is not recognized in Israel.[7] [8] If a person's Jewish status is in doubt, and then formal conversion is required in order to be allowed to marry according to the Orthodox rules, which govern all marriages between Jews in Israel. This frequently occurs with Jews from the quondam Soviet Marriage equally well as Ethiopian Jews.[9]

In order to marry, Jewish couples must attend classes on family unit purity, even if they are not religious.[x]

In Oct 2013, the Tzohar Law was passed, assuasive for Jews to choose whatsoever rabbi recognized by the Chief Rabbinate instead of beingness required to be married by their community rabbi.[11] [12] In 2015, Tzohar (a religious Zionist rabbinic organization in Israel), along with the Israeli Bar Association, introduced a prenuptial understanding meant to assist ensure divorcing wives will receive a go; under the agreement the husband commits to paying a high sum of coin daily to his spouse in the upshot of a separation.[13] It remains a criminal offense for Jews in State of israel to marry in weddings performed exterior the country's religious potency, and doing then can outcome in a jail sentence of upwards to ii years.[ citation needed ] Hiddush ranked State of israel as the only Western republic that is on a par with Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and other Islamic states in relation to freedom of marriage.[fourteen]

In 2019, it was reported that in that location was a growing trend for Israeli couples to get married in Israel exterior of the Rabbinate's jurisdiction. In that location was a consistent growth in the number of couples marrying outside of the Rabbinate, while a drop in the number of couples marrying inside the Rabbinate.[15]


2 men dancing dabke at a village wedding, 1930s

Virtually Israeli Muslims are Sunnis.[16] In 1922, the British created the Supreme Muslim Council as the Muslim religious authority in the British Mandate of Palestine and appointed Amin al-Husayni (1895–1974) as the M Mufti of Jerusalem. The council was abolished in 1948 by Jordan, but was reconstituted in Jerusalem after the Six-Mean solar day State of war in 1967.[ citation needed ]

Muslim marriages are conducted in accordance with sharia law. Inter-faith marriages are permitted but between Muslim men and Christian or Jewish women, who are considered Muslims later the nuptials.

A Muslim woman may petition for and receive a divorce through the Sharia courts without her husband'southward consent under sure atmospheric condition, and a spousal relationship contract may provide for other circumstances in which she may obtain a divorce without her husband's consent. A Muslim human may divorce his wife without her consent and without petitioning the court.[17]

Christian churches [edit]

There are 10 officially recognised churches for the purposes of marriage. These are the Greek Orthodox, Roman Cosmic (Latin rite), Armenian Apostolic, Armenian Cosmic, Syriac Cosmic, Chaldean (Uniate), Melkite Greek Catholic, Maronite, Syriac Orthodox and Anglican churches,[18] the latter having been included with the other recognised churches in 1970. At the same time, special arrangements for the recognition of marriage were made between the State of Israel and the Lutheran, Ethiopian Orthodox, and Coptic Orthodox churches.[ commendation needed ] Christians may seek official separations or divorces, depending on the denomination, through ecclesiastical courts.[17]


The Druze community was recognized equally a separate customs from the Muslim customs in 1957. In 1962, split Druze courts were established to deal with personal status problems in the Druze community, alongside the rabbinical courts, the Sharia courts, and the courts of the Christian communities.[nineteen]

Civil regulations [edit]

In 2013, the minimum union age in Israel was raised to xviii, from a previous age of 17.[20] [21] Previously, the marriage age was 18 for males and 17 for females,[22] earlier they were equalised at 17 years.

The Israeli Supreme Court affirmed that marital rape is a offense in a 1980 decision, citing constabulary based on the Talmud.[23] [24] Rape, including spousal rape, is now a felony in Israel, punishable by 16 years in prison.

Under the Penal Constabulary Amendment (Bigamy) Constabulary, 5719 (1959), it is illegal to marry in Israel while currently married, regardless of faith.[25] Since 1977, attempting to take a second spouse can be punished past up to five years in jail, although the law is rarely enforced.[26] Polygyny is nevertheless yet skilful past Muslim Negev Bedouins; co-ordinate to a 2013 Knesset study, 30% of Negev Bedouin men have more than than one wife.[27] Some Bedouin men apply nominal divorces or unrecognized marriages with women who are not Israeli citizens in lodge to circumvent the law. In 2017, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked began a crackdown against the practice.[28] [29] Out of more than 300 cases investigated in 2018, 16 men were indicted for polygamy.[30]

Recognition of civil wedlock [edit]

In 1951, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled[ commendation needed ] that marriages entered into exterior State of israel conducted by a rabbinical court in accordance with halakha must be recognized in State of israel. The issue of recognizing civil marriages is of special significance because Orthodox Judaism has various prohibitions involving marriages. The couples in these prohibited spousal relationship situations sometimes marry overseas, mostly in Cyprus, which is virtually Israel.[31]

In 1962, the Supreme Court adamant that the Ministry building of the Interior must register couples who married in a civil ceremony away, even if either or both of the couple were citizens of Israel. The human activity of registration is for statistical purposes merely, and not a recognition of the personal status of the couple, every bit registration does not determine the validity of the marriage.[ citation needed ] In 2006, the Supreme Court voted 6-one to recognize same-sexual activity marriages performed in other countries.[32] Overseas marriages are increasingly popular, with roughly 9,000 couples registering overseas marriages with the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2011 alone.[33]

In 2010, Israel passed the Civil Marriage Police force for Citizens with no Religious Affiliation, 2010,[34] allowing a couple to form a ceremonious wedlock in Israel if they are both registered as officially not belonging to any faith.[35]

The issue of civil marriages is a major issue for secular Jews and non-Orthodox Jews who are required to follow Orthodox practice to marry in Israel.[36]

According to a 2016 Pew Research Center survey, more than 98% of Israelis are married to a partner of the same faith. 97% of Israeli Jews would exist uncomfortable if their kid married a Muslim and 89% would be uncomfortable if their child married a Christian. The vast majority of secular Israeli Jews oppose interfaith union.[37]

Divorce [edit]

The 1973 Spouses' Property Relations Act officially defined what assets would exist divided after divorce or if 1 of the spouses dies, unless they both agreed beforehand.[38] An amendment was later added to the 1973 law in 2008 to ensure that property would exist divided equally among both spouses before the divorce rather than later on.[38]

The divorce procedure in Israel for married people of Jewish faith is administered by the Go Procedure and finalized past Rabbinical Judges.[39] On 15 November 2016, the Go Procedure was officially regulated subsequently Land Attorney Shai Nitzan required criminal prosecution of men or women who pass up to grant or take a divorce later being instructed to exercise and then by a rabbinical court, although some said it would not have a dramatic impact since criminal proceedings will only exist possible if the rabbinical court problems a rarely used ruling obligating a spouse to concord to the divorce.[40] Equally of 2019[update], the number of Jewish divorces granted per twelvemonth has been increasing; eleven,145 couples divorced in 2018.[41]

Israeli Jewish couples who marry in ceremonious ceremonies outside Israel must divorce via the rabbinical courts.[14] In 2018 the Knesset passed a law, slated to remain in outcome for three years, assuasive Israel's rabbinical courts to handle certain cases of Jewish women wishing to divorce their Jewish husbands, even if neither spouse is an Israeli citizen.[42] The judicial system tin issue a stay of leave to a human being undergoing a divorce if he neglects to fulfill his child support obligations.[43]

Under the nation'due south Capacity and Guardianship Law, kid custody is almost ever granted to the mother following a divorce.[44] In 2012, however, an amendment was added to the police force to ensure that both the begetter and whatever kid of the divorced parents who is at least 6 years of age would share equal rights as the mother equally state-appointed social workers determine child custody.[45] The historic period of the child with equal privilege was later lowered to two in 2013.[46]

Come across too [edit]

  • Ceremonious marriage
  • Mutual-law union
  • Interfaith union in Judaism
  • Same-sexual practice spousal relationship in Israel
  • Unregistered cohabitation in Israel
  • Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem
  • Marriage in the Palestinian territories

References [edit]

  1. ^ Hanna Lerner (2011). Making Constitutions in Deeply Divided Societies. Cambridge University Printing. p. 214. ISBN978-i-139-50292-4.
  2. ^ a b "A Free People in Our Land: Gender Equality in a Jewish State".
  3. ^ "Freedom of Religion in Israel". www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org . Retrieved 2017-05-16 .
  4. ^ Michel Chabin 2013-06-13 Married On The Mediterranean — Only Not In State of israel The Jewish Week. Retrieved 2015-10-01
  5. ^ "Majority Of Israelis Marry By 25, Well-nigh Have First Kid By 27". The Times of Israel.
  6. ^ "Selected Data from the 2018 Social Survey: Residence, Family unit and Work Balance". Central Agency of Statistics.
  7. ^ Tigay, Chanan (2006-05-26). "Israel's Chief Rabbinate Rejects some Diaspora Orthodox Conversions". New Bailiwick of jersey Jewish Standard . Retrieved 2008-07-17 . [ dead link ]
  8. ^ Meyers, Nechemia (1997-07-12). "Are Israel's Marriage Laws 'Archaic and Irrelevant'?". Jewish News Weekly. Retrieved 2008-07-17 .
  9. ^ חופשית, ישראל. "ישראל חופשית". bfree.org.il (in Hebrew). Retrieved 12 June 2019.
  10. ^ Mazie, Steven V. "Changing Israel's Wedlock Law" The Jewish Week Archived October ix, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  11. ^ Gur, Haviv Rettig. "Knesset passes 'revolutionary' spousal relationship registration reform". Times of State of israel.
  12. ^ Rudoren, Jodi (29 October 2013). "Centrist Party in Israel Introduces Civil Wedlock Measure" – via NYTimes.com.
  13. ^ "Israeli rabbinic, legal groups partner for prenup in bid to forestall agunot | Jewish Telegraphic Bureau". Jta.org. 2015-03-03. Retrieved 2015-03-17 .
  14. ^ a b "In Ottoman holdover, Israel doubles downwards on marriage restrictions". Times of Israel . Retrieved 12 June 2019.
  15. ^ "More and More Orthodox Israelis Are Ditching the Rabbinate, Written report Shows". Haaretz. 2019-12-04. Retrieved 2019-12-04 .
  16. ^ "Backside the Headlines: Facts and Figures - Islam in Israel". Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 12 June 2019.
  17. ^ a b 2010 Human Rights Report: State of israel and the occupied territories. U.S. Department of state. This article incorporates public domain material from this source.
  18. ^ "Freedom of Faith in Israel". www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org . Retrieved 2018-10-29 .
  19. ^ Druze in israel, דרוזים בישראל: היבט היסטורי ומרחבי , liat ytzhak, e-mago magazine, 1998
  20. ^ Times of Israel, four November 2013: Israel raises minimum union age from 17 to xviii
  21. ^ Ynetnews.com, 11.4.xiii: Knesset raises marriage age to 18.
  22. ^ Ottoman Law of Family Rights 1917 for males and Age of Marriage Law 1950 for females
  23. ^ Geis, Gilbert (1977). "Rape-in-marriage: Law and law reform in England, the United states, and Sweden". Adelaide Police force Review. half dozen: 284.
  24. ^ David Kauzlarich, Introduction to Criminology, 2008, p. 79.
  25. ^ The English language Law of Bigamy in a Multi-Confessional Gild: The Israel Experience by P Shifman.
  26. ^ Schwartz, Yardena (22 October 2018). "Bedouin women are pushing Israel to fissure downward on polygamy". NBC News . Retrieved 14 May 2019.
  27. ^ Rosenberg, David (11 January 2017). "Polygamy fueling mass Bedouin illegal immigration into Israel". Israel National News . Retrieved fourteen May 2019.
  28. ^ Zaken, Danny (2017). "Israel sees Bedouin polygamy as security threat". Al-Monitor . Retrieved fourteen May 2019.
  29. ^ "Regavim blocks attempts to create legal 'dorsum door' for polygamy". Israel National News. 8 November 2018. Retrieved xiv May 2019.
  30. ^ Ben Zikri, Almog (25 Nov 2018). "Out of Over 300 Polygamy Cases in State of israel in 2018, 16 Reached Indictments". Haaretz . Retrieved 14 May 2019.
  31. ^ Getting Married in Israel: Why It So Often Ways Hiring a Detective, Daniel Estrin, The Atlantic, February 13, 2013.
  32. ^ "State of israel's Supreme Courtroom recognizes foreign aforementioned-sex marriages". Wikinews. 22 November 2006. Retrieved seven December 2017.
  33. ^ "Israel Couples Say 'I Don't' to Orthodox Wedlock — Opt for Civil Ceremonies." The Forward. xx November 2013. 1 July 2015.
  34. ^ Julie, Dayer (4 March 2013). "גן הרמוזו אולם (אולמות) אירועים מודיעין, יוקרתי (יוקרתיים) בירושלים במודיעין במרכז הארץ, גני אירועים מרכז". הרמוזו (in Hebrew). אולם אירועים במרכז. Retrieved xiv June 2016.
  35. ^ "Civil Marriage in Israel".
  36. ^ Marcus, Jonathan (1998-04-22). "Secularism vs Orthodox Judaism". BBC News . Retrieved 2007-07-24 .
  37. ^ "Intergroup spousal relationship and friendship in State of israel". Pew Research Center. eight March 2016. Retrieved 12 June 2019.
  38. ^ a b "Property - Couples Married After 1974 - Relevant Law". Family Police force in Israel.
  39. ^ "The Go Procedure". Chabad.
  40. ^ "Israeli divorce refusal to exist criminalized in certain circumstances". Jerusalem Post.
  41. ^ "Jewish divorces in State of israel up five% in 2018, with 86% increment in ane key town". Times of Israel . Retrieved 12 June 2019.
  42. ^ "State of israel gives rabbinical courts unprecedented jurisdiction over Diaspora Jews - Israel News". Haaretz.com. Retrieved 2018-06-27 .
  43. ^ Chung, Frank (28 December 2021). "Australian Barred From Leaving Israel Until the Twelvemonth 9999". news.com.au . Retrieved five January 2022.
  44. ^ "UN calls on Israel to ameliorate custody law - National News - Jerusalem Mail service". world wide web.jpost.com.
  45. ^ Zarchin, Tomer; Weiler-Polak, Dana (19 Jan 2012). "State of israel'south Justice Minister: Divorced Parents Must Share Custody of Children" – via Haaretz.
  46. ^ Lis, Jonathan (8 December 2013). "Only Shared Ground on Child-custody Amendment: Everybody Hates Information technology" – via Haaretz.

Further reading [edit]

  • Weiss, Susan 1000.; Gross-Horowitz, Netty C. (2013). Marriage and Divorce in the Jewish Land: Israel'due south Ceremonious War. UPNE. ISBN9781611683653.

External links [edit]

  • Freeman, Tzvi. "Why Does Torah Law Allow Polygamy?". Chabad. Retrieved 15 May 2019.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel

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