Youtube Error a Name Has Not Been Set for This Account. Please Try Again When a Name Has Been Set.

Permit me start by proverb information technology has been an astonishing year and a one-half live streaming on YouTube. Ever since I started using the platform I have been blown away by how "Dummy Proof" YouTube has made live streaming. YouTube has done an amazing chore improving their alive streaming platform over the all-time 18 months and along the way we take been 99% satisfied. In my honest opinion, the platform satisfies 95% of the wants, needs and desires from the live stream community and my lid is off to the YouTube Live team for implementing 4K (yet in BETA) before the end of 2016.

Yeah, YouTube has made "going alive" dummy proof simply the platform still contains some minor errors which I highlight in this guide to provide troubleshooting expertise. I promise that identifying these YouTube Live errors volition lead to an eventual prepare and set yous for an unexpected mistake earlier the all important live event. The first time I saw some of these errors I was annoyed and perplexed (even forcing me to cancel a live show). The CDN (Content Commitment Network) is usually the final piece of the puzzle when information technology comes to live streaming an consequence and it's also the most of import. Without it no i is going to see our beautiful video production that we spent so much fourth dimension preparing.

I hope this guide will help YouTube Live users experience more confident when they become live...

Common Error #one - The Stream Primal Mistake

There are two ways to alive stream on YouTube. Beginning, you can stream using your "Stream At present" panel in the creator studio which is essentially your channels live to the world page. The URL for this live stream is always the same, making it piece of cake to direct your user base of operations to (it looks something like This stream choice is used by new stations and 24/seven broadcasting users because the statistics are attributed to the aqueduct itself. If you want to show up in the "live" YouTube channel which has over 2 one thousand thousand subscribers this is the style to exercise so.

I have never had an event live streaming to my channel stream key and we did over two months of 24/7 alive streaming on our channel (Learn how to set up a 24/7 livestream here). YouTube says the "Stream Now" is withal in "BETA" but I accept found it to exist more stable than pre-scheduled events.

The second way to live stream on YouTube is the power to schedule a alive upshot. This is my preferred method for a couple of reasons:

  1. YouTube creates a nice "scheduled alive testify" playlist you tin can display on your channel homepage for all your pre-scheduled events. I love this considering the playlist is automated and I don't have to manually add each upshot.
  2. In one case scheduled YouTube gives y'all an outcome page you can display with a thumbnail. This page is merely similar a normal YouTube video and you tin can embed the event on your webpage.
  3. Scheduled Events are the only fashion to apply YouTube's "Multiple Camera" feature allowing yous to transport upwardly to 6 different cameras to the aforementioned consequence. I rarely use this feature for our live show but I love the concept of assuasive users to choose which camera they want to view.
  4. Finally, unlike "live now" all of the views during your alive show are attributed to your on-demand recording (live now attributes the views to your channel, which is only of import if you program to use that regularly)

So, as you can see from my list in a higher place at that place are quite a few benefits to pre-scheduled YouTube Live events. Simply, at that place is a FFMPEG error I am continually running into with pre-scheduled streams that have been in the arrangement for roughly 3 weeks or more. Basically, when you schedule a live stream YouTube assigns a unique stream key to that result. Information technology usually works just fine, simply I have found later on a few weeks, for no explainable reasons the stream key will no longer initiate a secure stream to YouTube's server.

How to troubleshoot YouTube Alive stream primal / FFMPEG Exited error?

When you find this fault it's quite annoying because you are probable just about to beginning your live prove. So, first of all yous demand to initiate your live stream at to the lowest degree 30-45 minutes earlier your scheduled time. If your stream initiates properly y'all have nothing to worry about. But, I have found repeatedly that events scheduled over 1 month in accelerate usually take to deleted and republished with a new stream fundamental. Therefore information technology's a best practice to exam the live stream early on, before you send out any emails or social media posts linking to your live show. Simply ship out a link to your pre-scheduled issue once you know that your alive stream has been established properly.

Common Mistake #ii - Editing video over ane hour - Removing the pre-bear witness on your recording

This is actually a known issue on YouTube that furnishings live streamers significantly. Near live shows are at least 20-30 minutes and if you showtime your live stream with a pre-show the full recorded video is usually over ane hour. Until this week, I have been starting my live testify xxx minutes early and then conducting my 20 infinitesimal live show with a 20 infinitesimal Q&A. The full recorded fourth dimension on YouTube ends up being roughly ane 60 minutes and ten minutes. Once the recording has posted I simply using the "enhancements" tool to "trim" off the pre-show from the recorded video.

I have to say this is an astonishing free platform. Having the ability to stream an unlimited amount of video, store an unlimited amount of video and edit it all in the cloud… Seriously… It's all free besides? So I really, tin't complain, except for the fact that I have edited over 100 live shows this fashion, and it merely stopped working this week!

How to troubleshoot YouTube Live Error #ii?

Well, you can avoid the issue by keeping your entire live stream recording under 1 60 minutes. This is obviously not ideal and incommunicable for certain alive events. I imagine this issue will be fixed by the YouTube team adequately apace.

Mutual Error #three - Copyright Violations - Guilt until proven innocent?

For this one, I have to say that YouTube is probably just doing the correct thing here merely I thought it was "Innocent until proven guilty" right? If your live prove includes anything with a copyright (mainly music) you will immediately be sent a copyright strike via email and your video will first to be monetized past that copyright holder. I am very careful about the music I choose and ever utilize artistic commons music or buy the correct to utilize that music.

So, when this happen you have to "file a dispute". It's normally taken care of fairly quickly but it's an annoying process to become through over and over again for the same piece of music. Then naturally, I have been avoiding music that creates copyright strikes on my content and try my all-time to promote artistic commons content with the proper credit to the content owners.

How to troubleshoot copyright violations YouTube Live?

I am calling this an fault because I have really had my live streaming correct taken away temporarily once earlier (although this is not normal and YouTube seems to have stopped doing this). I accept read most many other people experiencing the same affair… And so, it'south a piece of work in-progress monitoring the world of alive streaming and what it and isn't legal. Be conscientious what music you use and brand sure you own the content you are using in your alive stream. Many royalty-free music licenses allow you lot to use the music only one time… Other royalty-gratuitous music licenses allow unlimited uses… If you program to monetize your content and maintain control over your videos you will desire to play close attending to music you choose. The best thought would exist to have an original slice of music fabricated specifically for you. The event with Artistic Eatables music is that the writer could decide to take that material monetized in the futurity. YouTube would then claim a copyright strike on your content that was once completely legally using the music included in your alive stream…

Improvement Suggestion #ane - Low Latency Live Streaming Skips video on the recording

OK, so here is a place where YouTube could make a actually squeamish improvement. When you live steam on YouTube you lot have ii options for buffering: 1. "Optimize for interaction" (Low Latency Mode) 2. "Optimize for less viewer buffering". If yous choose low latency mode, your audience volition exist equally close to real time as possible but YouTube will actually skip parts of the video in gild to grab the video up to real time. Some people apply this feature because they want to real-fourth dimension interactions with the audience via the chat. Personally, I would rather bargain with the latency of roughly xxx-threescore seconds and using the optimize for buffering feature.

Hither's why:

  1. When you Optimize for less viewer buffering there should be no interruptions or "jumps" in the live video which wait unnatural
  2. This volition also affect your recorded video. So your recorded video will include blips and jumps in the recording cut off sentences and breaking up the natural menstruum of your video
  3. It's ok to accept thirty-sixty seconds of latency in about situations. The fashion I run our alive show, I usually don't answer questions for the outset xx minutes. I also invite guests to be on the bear witness view a real-fourth dimension video conference. So the majority of interactions are done in real time anyway.

What would actually be smart is if YouTube could permit users to select "Optimize for interaction" on the live stream and "Optimize for less viewer buffering" on the recording. That would be the best of both world'southward for users who want to leverage YouTube'due south platform for streaming and recording high quality files.

How to troubleshoot latency problems on YouTube Live?

If y'all have a mission disquisitional live stream you will nigh likely exist looking at a premium CDN such as UStream from IBM. But it'southward nice that YouTube does offer ii options to choose from. I would suggest optimizing for less viewer buffering unless your live stream requires real time interaction from your audience. You can always improve your bandwidth settings with some simple tips our guide here:

Improvement Proposition #two - Starting a live show with multiple cameras

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a pre-cautionary feature but I retrieve it can be better handled by a simple prompt. When you prepare up a live stream with multiple cameras you are essentially set a series a linked RTMP streams which YouTube weaves into a single live event allowing the users to switch betwixt each "camera". If you set up your live show with multiple camera feeds and then decide that you lot don't desire to include one of the actress cameras yous cannot initiate the entire prove.

If I were YouTube, I would prompt the user saying "We are receiving feeds from cameras 1 and 2 but NOT camera 3. Would you similar to start the alive show without photographic camera 3?". But, information technology's actually been improved and YouTube now allows you to go back to "ingestion settings" and delete the cameras you lot don't plan to use. Then y'all can initiate the entire live stream.


In my honest stance, YouTube's Alive streaming platform is the about powerful options live streamers have today. Facebook comes in at a close second and I would dearest to do an apples to apples review of the two platforms old in 2017. Having hosted 100's of alive streams on YouTube I am now comfortable with the platform and information technology's small-scale bugs which certainly be ironed out moving forward.

Putting together a video product and going alive can ALOT of effort. The reward is an amazing viewer feel and on-demand video content that volition live on forever. Information technology's my hope that identifying these bugs will ready YouTube Live users for troubleshooting and simplify the last piece of the live streaming puzzle: the CDN (Content Delivery Network). Delight feel costless to download our "YouTube Alive Troubleshooting Guide" and tune into our next live show Fridays at 11AM PST and 2PM EST.

About the author:

I am a Live Streaming Expert and Chief Streaming Officer for PTZOptics. PTZOptics is an industry leader in affordable live streaming technology. We host a alive show on YouTube Live & Facebook every Friday and we hope to help the world better understand live streaming and engineering it takes to produce amazing video content! This show is the ground of our live streaming innovation where you can acquire quite a lot of nigh the industry.

I offer 10+ live streaming courses available hither with over ii,500 students and 30 five star reviews!

I take been working in the sound visual industry for 8+ years keeping me involved in designing, edifice and operating live streaming and video conferencing systems. Throughout my career continue to help others in video communication projects.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel hither & stay upward to date with our latest live streaming and video production tutorials and guides.


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