What You Dont Know Wont Hurt You


March xi, 2013 9:46am CST

Would you similar that way or you would prefer to know everything happening that concerns you lot. Im a sensitive, easy to get injure person but I still prefer to accept an thought of whats going on than to believe that everything are just fine even information technology really isnt. I rather be hurt with reality rather live my whole life in falsehood.

8 responses

• Mexico

eleven Mar 13

I am similar you lot I would rather know what is going on that mode it won't hurt as much then to keep me in the dark also like yous I get hurt like shooting fish in a barrel and I am a 47 year old male

• Philippines

11 Mar thirteen

I find it more than painful if things I idea for quondam were merely fine and then one day Ill just knew its the other way around. Its a full thwarting.

• Mexico

eleven Mar 13

well I desire fact right then and in that location dont hide it from me

• Chile

xi Mar xiii

I always prefer to know what is happening around me, no affair how terible information technology is. I tin encounter and so in what ways I can help or how I tin can human activity. Life has a lot of hurting, but when I learn how to manage it, it is better.

• Philippines

12 Mar thirteen

Aforementioned here..Life has no worth if it was simply lived on pretensions and illusions.

11 Mar xiii

to tell u the truth,you will never know what is really going on.we are living in a world of uncertain.information technology is the simply truth.

• Philippines

12 Mar 13

Then maybe I should ask delight dont permit me be the terminal to know..

• Thailand

11 Mar xiii

sometimes some matters demand to look before they will be told. It doesn't mean that they are hiding something from y'all.. It is just that they are waiting for the right moment and the right time. this is my opinion to this word. What y'all don't know won't hurt you. true for the people loved you so much will not put you into a situation that volition injure y'all.

• Philippines

12 Mar 13

I understand that. There are advisable time for everything, there are really matters that are should not be unfold untimely, yet for some other reason there would be people who would make it a habit to prevarication considering they thought if you dont know it they are not actually hurting you and theye are not doing you incorrect, so they will just do information technology again and again and as long as they tin hide it from you lot they are safety from guilt.

• Portugal

eleven Mar 13

Reallity is quite hurtfull and hard to assimilate sometimes only... non telling things as they trully are injure us more and amke united states of america even more worried. Some people detest to take reality as the truth and found theirselves in the middle of a agglomeration of illusions... Peradventure to ease and to be more sencive when we tell the truth nosotros can try not to make it long and confusing and say it in the most positive way possible, then it´s non so hard to take ?

• Philippines

12 Mar 13

Aye truth are sometimes hard to have merely isnt it better if we know what is ahead of u.s.a. than only defenseless unaware.?

• Puerto Rico

11 Mar 13

You are and then right. I want to know the truth and nothing but the truth. I can handle it. I don't like being lied to when its something that is important in my life. Especially a relationship. Tell me the truth no matter how hard the truth volition hurt me, I know I can handle it better so if I find out you lot were lying to me. I dear living my life in truth.

• Philippines

eleven Mar 13

I absolutely crave truthfulness and transparency in any human relationship. May it be a GF/Bf thing,marital relationship or friendship. Yeah its ameliorate yous hurt me at present than brand me believe on fantasy that I volition later on knew it was actually a nightmare of deceit and lies.

• Canada

11 Mar 13

I think at that place are times i would rather know whats going on. Information technology hurts more than sometimes finding out down the line.

• Philippines

12 Mar 13

Its always better to have awareness on things happening around the states than be caught unprepared and feel disappointed and betrayed.

2 Dec xx

Y'all were right . I believe also in your quotes :)


Source: https://www.mylot.com/post/2754782/what-you-dont-know-wont-hurt-you

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