How Do You Know That You Are Going to Heaven

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Surely, knowing where yous will exist after yous die is the almost important thing you lot will always need to be sure of. And this is the short, elementary answer for how to become to heaven: Jesus. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." (John fourteen:6)

Does that respond seem too unproblematic? In that case, allow'due south look at the long respond beneath (The answer is however uncomplicated of grade, and it'due south still Jesus; but information technology may exist helpful to include some additional data and background).


  1. 1

    Identify a trustworthy source of information. Let'southward say you were trying to become a citizen of a foreign country. Which of the following would give you more than balls?

    • The king of that land promising that you would be granted citizenship.


    • A citizen of your own country promising that you would be granted citizenship (in the country to which they take never been).

    So, if nosotros seek citizenship in heaven, we would want assurance from God Himself, rather than assurance from anyone else, right? The Bible claims to be the trustworthy discussion of God.[1] If you're not and so sure, and would similar to farther investigate the Bible's trustworthiness, you may first want to read Sympathise Why Christians Believe the Bible is True.

  2. 2

    Know the requirements for heaven (where God dwells). God is holy, perfect and without spot. He is besides a only judge to whom we must appear before, to give an account of our lives.[2] In other words, God is righteous, and anyone who dwells with Him must also exist righteous.[3]


  3. 3

    Know what the problem is. Why wouldn't you go to sky? You must start recognize that your default status will forestall you from being accustomed into sky. You, as a human existence, are infected with a spiritual disease (every bit all humans are—other than Jesus). This disease is called "sin". All the bad things yous do and think are symptoms of this mortiferous disease.[4] Unless dealt with, sin disqualifies united states of america for heaven and separates united states from God.[3]

  4. iv

    Know what the solution is. God is holy and just, but He is as well loving. God wants us to become to heaven, to be with Him. He also knows most our illness of sin that has separated us from Him.[5] Because of God's dear, He chose to send Jesus to earth, in guild to save us.[6] Jesus lived a perfect life and so took the death punishment on our behalf (because the punishment for sin is expiry). By doing this, God fabricated it possible for sinful humans to be reconciled with Himself. In fact, this is the merely mode nosotros can be reconciled with God.[7]

  5. v

    Accept the solution. God has provided the way for us to be reconciled with Himself, through Jesus' death on our behalf. However, He does non forcefulness us to be reconciled; rather, He allows us to make the choice.[eight] "But to all who did receive him [Jesus], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God," (John i:12) If you want to put your trust in Jesus and return to God, then y'all can simply tell Him and so.[ix] Non sure what to say? God knows your heart; merely be honest with Him and ask Him for help. You could tell Him something along the lines of: "God, I know I'1000 a sinner. But I read that Y'all love me and sent Jesus to pay for my sin. I choose to trust in Jesus. Please come and take Your rightful identify as King in my life." And there you take information technology, how to exist reconciled with God, who is in sky. Jesus, in speaking to the Father, said, "And this is eternal life, that they know you, the merely true God, and Jesus Christ whom you lot have sent."


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  • Question

    If I have used the phrase "Oh My God" and so many times in my daily life, can I notwithstanding be forgiven and go to Sky?



    Community Answer

    Absolutely. God forgives all sins, but that's not a free pass to do whatever you want, though. After you inquire for forgiveness, ask God to give you the strength to resist saying information technology.

  • Question

    Is information technology possible to live sinless after existence baptised and accepting Jesus as my lord and savior?

    Community Answer

    No. Every unmarried Christian on world commits sin. Just do your all-time every day and pray for the strength to do amend.

  • Question

    Can I confess while praying?

    Community Answer

    Certainly. You can confess something bad you've done while praying. God wants you to talk to Him. Merely tell Him what's on your mind and what's bugging you.

  • Question

    I recently converted, but my family are atheists. Tin I repent for them? I don't want them to get to Hell.

    Community Answer

    That'south not possible, sadly. No one can apologize for other people. Those people who practice not believe take to choose their path, information technology has to exist up to them. However, you tin can pray for them, inquire for people at church to pray for their hearts to modify.

  • Question

    Is "OMG" a bad phrase? I've tried telling my friends that it is, just they won't listen.

    Community Answer

    OMG is "Oh My God." The Bible says that taking the Lord's proper noun in vain is blasphemy and a sin, then yous are correct. The only exception would exist in using "OMG" when speaking directly to the Lord, which I assume your friends are non doing.

  • Question

    Is God trying to get you to heaven or is he not?

    Nic lasell

    Nic lasell

    Community Answer

    God wants the best for you, which ways he wants you to come to heaven. This doesn't mean yous have to. Information technology'due south your choice to open your eye to Him, and if you truly do, He will surely take action.

  • Question

    I take a hearing problem and I am a believer, when is my phenomenon coming to me? The hearing loss is getting worse while I am getting older.


    Sometimes God has a ameliorate programme beyond what we tin run across. Maybe you should only await and run into what God has in store for you lot.

  • Question

    Will I even so go to heaven if I am a Christian and dear Jesus, merely I haven't been baptized?

    Community Answer

    Yes, but information technology is good to be baptized some fourth dimension in life. Information technology is a requirement in a style, simply if you are a Christian, you will go to sky.

  • Question

    If I got baptized twice, tin can I however become to heaven?



    Community Answer

    Yes. God will ever forgive you and never separate yous from His honey.

  • Question

    How do I know I am in the correct with God?

    Community Answer

    God has a programme for all. Only wait, practice not sin, and pray. He who believes receives his passage into heaven.

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  • Have you put your trust in Jesus, but still doubt if you are going to sky?

    • 1. Enquire God to strengthen your organized religion. We are dependent on God to give united states of america faith in the offset place, so we tin can too look to Him to strengthen our faith.[10]
    • 2. Trust the promises of God: Y'all can look through the Bible to find by promises of God; and so examine His faithfulness to fulfill them (east.g. Genesis 8:21-22, 9:8-17; Jeremiah 31:35-37; Micah v:2; Isaiah 7:14; Ezekiel 29:13-16—to name just a few). Doing so may help to build your confidence in God'due south promises to you who have put your trust in Jesus (i.e. John 3:16; 1 John five:11-13; John 20:31; 1 Peter 2:4-6; John 5:24, vi:27-29, 37-forty,47, ten:27-30; Romans viii:28-39…).
    • 3. Remember that genuine faith in God's promises can be seen by your actions, not merely your words.[11] ii Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come". And so examine your life;[12] if you have put your trust in Jesus, you should eventually see at least a gradual alter in your life from what you were before yous trusted in Jesus. That's not to say that you will be perfect of course; in fact, you will probably sin many times after trusting Christ; and when you practice, you can admit your sin to God and ask Him for His assist to turn from it. Know also, that if Jesus is in your life, He will not allow you go on living in sin without Him pointing it out as something that should no longer accept a place in your life.[13]
  • Do yous remember you are practiced enough for heaven without God's help? If so, please ask yourself if yous have kept these 2 important commandments:

    • "You shall love the Lord your God with all your center, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
    • "You lot shall love your neighbour equally yourself."
      • Retrieve also that the Bible says "For whoever keeps the whole law and withal stumbles at but one bespeak is guilty of breaking all of it." None of us accept perfectly kept these ii simple commandments. We have all disobeyed God's commandments, and are in need of Jesus to relieve united states.[14] [four]
  • Dear reader, know that salvation is not just a bunch of hoops to jump through, or steps to complete. Information technology is a gift to receive, not a wage to earn (Romans 4:4-5). We are saved by grace, through faith (Ephesians 2:viii-ten).

  • You may say, "Only what nearly ___?", where "___" can exist one of the following:

    • Being a skillful person: No one is proficient plenty for heaven on their ain.[three] [4] That being said, if a person receives God's forgiveness through the righteousness of Christ (Jesus is the only truly-skillful person), Jesus living inside of that person begins to transform their life from the inside-out, to make them into that person which God intended them to be.[13]
    • Assertive in the being of God: This solitary is not sufficient to save the states. James 2:nineteen says, "You say you have faith, for yous believe that there is one God. Good for yous! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror." It is our trust in God that saves us, not our mental assent to His being.
    • Existence baptized: While baptism is something that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19), it is not necessary for salvation (examples would exist the criminal on the cross and the gentile believers). That being said, if someone has trusted in Jesus, they should go baptized as an human activity of obedience.
    • Taking the Lord's supper, or Eucharist: In regard to this, Jesus said, "Do this in remembrance of Me.". While some people may exist dislocated past John 6:53, thinking that the Eucharist is a requirement for heaven, the context of the rest of the chapter (also as the rest of the Bible) evidence that this is non the instance. Jesus went on to say in verse 57, "As the living Father sent me, and I alive because of the Male parent, so he who eats me will alive considering of me."; this seems to aid clarify that our "eating" Him was a metaphor, to signify our dependence on Him (like to how Jesus depended on the Father, and similar to how we depend on nutrient for physical sustenance) rather than physically eating Him with our mouth. This is further proved by what Jesus said in verses 61-63. In response to His disciples' daze, He said, "Practice y'all take crime at this? And then what if you were to see the Son of man ascending where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life, the mankind is of no avail; the words that I take spoken to yous are spirit and life."
    • Obeying the law of God: Romans 3:20, Galatians 2:16 and Galatians 3:11 all make clear that the law is not able to save the states. It is only able to point out what the problem is: our sinfulness.
    • Repentance: Repentance tin can be described as a change of mind that leads to a change in action.[15] Nosotros can see this repentance in Jesus'due south story of the lost son (Luke xv:11-32). He had a modify of mind, and then he took action; he got upwardly and returned to his father. If we want to be saved, we must render to our heavenly Father, through the means He provided for u.s.: Jesus.[7] [8]
    • Going to church building: Hebrews x:25 contains an admonition to non fail our meeting together. While this doesn't save united states of america, information technology is something that you would await a person who is on their way to sky to do. Granted, the people yous'll meet at church will be imperfect (only don't forget that you're one of those imperfect people besides!). And of form, in that location will exist the very-real possibility that counterfeit Christians will exist there every bit well. In spite of all this, Jesus said, "For where two or 3 get together in my name, in that location am I with them." If Jesus is going to be present, wouldn't you want to exist at that place?
  • Finally, if none of this makes any sense to you, simply inquire God to save you and give you the faith to trust Him. And if He has not answered your prayer even so, go on asking; God loves you and wants you lot to be saved.[5] Jesus said, "Then I say to you, inquire, and information technology will exist given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to yous. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks information technology will exist opened." (Luke 11:nine-10)

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  • Whether you know it or not, you have an enemy who desires your harm. This enemy seeks to keep people from being saved. His name is the devil, or satan. The Bible tells us, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from yous." And equally you may already know, nosotros also accept 2 enemies in addition to the devil: our ain sinful nature, and the decadent world-system nosotros live in. But if Jesus is in your life, don't let all this overwhelm you with fear, for "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." Jesus said, "In this world you will have problem. But take eye! I have overcome the world." [16]

  • If y'all accept placed your trust in Jesus, in that location will inevitably be times when yous don't "feel" saved. When that happens, remember that the firm foundation of your faith is Jesus, not your feelings. Feelings are frequently fickle, Jesus is unchanging. You can fix your eyes on Jesus and ask Him to grant y'all a new heart with new desires, and to help you abound in holiness and be more like Christ. You tin ask for His assist to bravely proclaim the good news that you take come to know. Walk by faith, non by sight![17]


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